Fleet Productivity | Fleet Monitoring

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  • A Fleet Management Solution That Puts You in the Driver's Seat of Productivity

    Manage your entire fleet—in every location—as if you were right next to each vehicle on the facility floor. iWAREHOUSE is a comprehensive fleet management solution that provides a full suite of tools to enhance the productivity of both operators and vehicles. If you're considering a lift truck fleet management system, iWAREHOUSE delivers fleet monitoring and actionable fleet utilization data to help you drive down costs and improve productivity in your operations.

iWAREHOUSE Forklift Fleet Management System

forklift access control

Access Control

Remotely manage vehicle operating parameters, and control access to vehicles based on operator certifications.

forklift impact sensors, forklift impact alarms

Impact Management

With immediate forklift impact detection, managers can receive a real-time notification when an impact occurs. Utilize data from the forklift impact sensor to reduce costs due to product, racking, equipment, and facility damage.

osha forklift checklist, forklift data

Electronic Checklists

Completed electronic checklists are stored in the system, creating an electronic "paper trail" to meet regulatory requirements.

fleet utilization, fleet utilization metrics

Equipment Utilization

Right-size your fleet to optimize the utilization of assets and personnel. Fleet utilization metrics can help you to determine whether to retain, replace, reallocate or remove individual assets and vehicles based on actual usage data.

forklift fault codes

Fault Code Reporting

Automatic fault code alerts can help to pinpoint maintenance issues to minimize downtime for repairs.

forklift load sensor, fleet monitoring

Load Sensing

Get a more accurate picture of productivity by being able to tell when an operator is carrying a load versus traveling with empty forks.

forklift gps tracking, fleet management solution

Location Tracking

Location tracking of vehicles allows you to identify efficient routes and establish travel boundaries.

warehouse messaging system

Multi-directional Texting

Multi-directional texting allows convenient communication with operators.

Contact Us

Ready to optimize your fleet utilization? Please complete the form below and an iWAREHOUSE representative will be in touch with you to discuss how iWAREHOUSE can improve productivity in your operations.

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